ultrasound tech : how it work



In this full article, you’re going to know : what is ultrasound technology, and how does this ultrasound technology work, also what is ultrasound technology risks.

Diagnostic ultrasound is also called acoustic or medical diagnostic acoustic planning, a method of imaging that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures in your body. Images can provide important information in the diagnosis and treatment of several diseases and medical conditions.

Most ultrasound tests are performed using an ultrasound device outside your body, although some include placing a device inside your body.

Why this is being done

Ultrasound is used for several reasons, including:

  • Screening of uterus and ovaries during pregnancy and monitoring of fetal health
  • Diagnosis of bitterness
  • Blood flow assessment
  • Direct a needle for biopsy or tumor therapy
  • Breast mass screening
  • Thyroid examination
  • Detection of genital and prostate problems
  • Evaluation of arthritis (peritonitis)
  • Assessment of bone metabolic diseases


Ultrasound diagnostic imaging is a safe procedure in which low-energy acoustic waves are used. There are no known risks associated with him yet.

A diagnostic ultrasound is an important tool, but there are limits to its use.

Since sound is not well transmitted through the air or bone, ultrasound is not effective in photographing body parts containing gas or hidden by bones such as the lungs or head. To show these locations, the doctor may ask you for other imaging tests such as CT, MRI or X-rays.

How to Prepare

Most ultrasound scans do not require any preparation. However, there are some exceptions:

When you do some tests, such as an ultrasound test on bitterness, your doctor may ask you to avoid eating or drinking for a specified period before testing.

Other tests, such as the ultrasound on the pelvis, may require the bladder to be full.

And your doctor will tell you how much water you need to drink before the test. And you’ll have to avoid urinating until the test is over.

Little kids may need extra preparation. When an ultrasound examination is scheduled for you or your child, the doctor should be asked if there are any specific instructions you will need to follow.

Clothing and personal effects

Wear loose clothes when you go to ultrasound. You might be asked to remove the jewelry during ultrasound, so it’s good to leave any valuables in the house.

What you can expect

  • Before the procedure.

Prior to the start of ultrasound, you may be required to:

Take off any jewelry from the area under examination.

Take off some or all of your clothes.

Change your clothes and wear a hospital dress.

He’ll ask you to stretch out on the exam table.

  • During the procedure

The gel is placed on the skin above the area examined. This helps prevent air pockets, which can prevent sound waves that create images. It’s easy to remove water jellies from the skin and clothes as well, if necessary.

A trained technician (echocardiogram) compresses a small hand – held device (tergam) to the area studied and transports it as needed to take pictures. The telegram sends acoustic waves into the body, collects the waves that bounce and then sends them to the computer, in turn creating images.

Sometimes, ultrasound scans are performed inside the body. In this case, the telegram is connected to a probe that is inserted into one of the natural holes in the body. Like her:

Ultrasound cardiology through the esophagus. The tergam, which is inserted into the esophagus, gets pictures of the heart. It’s usually done while you’re being drugged.

Ultrasound through the rectum. This test creates images of the prostate by placing a special resection in the rectum.

Conducting ultrasound imaging through the vagina. A special hymn is inserted gently into the vagina to take a quick look at the uterus and ovaries.

Ultrasound usually doesn’t hurt. However, a person may experience minor pain when an echo planner directs the translation over the body, especially if the bladder is to be filled or inserted into the body.

Normal ultrasound screening takes 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Results

Upon completion of your examination, a doctor trained to interpret photo studies (radiologist) analyses the images and sends a report to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you.

You can return to normal activities immediately after ultrasound.

More about this topic

Ultrasound imaging uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce images of internal organs and other tissues. A device called a transducer or translator converts the electric current into acoustic waves, which are sent to the body’s tissues. Acoustic waves bounce back from the structures in the body, and are reflected back into the transformer, which converts the waves into electrical signals. The computer converts the pattern of electrical signals into an image, which is displayed on a screen and recorded on film, video or digital computer image. X – rays aren’t being used.

Ultrasound imaging is painless, relatively inexpensive, and very safe, even during pregnancy.

ultrasound imaging procedure

If the abdomen is tested, patients may be required to refrain from eating and drinking for several hours before testing.

The examiner usually places a thick gel on the area’s skin for examination, to ensure that the sound is well transmitted. The Tergam converter is placed on the skin and transported over the area for evaluation.

In order to assess some parts of the body, a converted examiner enters the body, for example in the vagina, to improve the image of the uterus and ovaries, or in the anal opening to image the prostate gland.

To assess the heart, the examiner sometimes connects the transducer to a display tube called the telescope, and passes it through the throat to the esophagus. This procedure is called echocardiogram across the esophagus.

After testing, most patients can resume their normal activities immediately.

Do you know?

X-rays are not used in ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.

Uses of ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound images are obtained quickly enough to show the movement of organs and structures in the body in real time (as in the film); For example, the movement of the heart pulse can be seen, even in the fetus.

Ultrasound imaging is used effectively to verify tumors and UFOs near the body surface, such as those in the thyroid, breast, testicles, limbs, as well as some lymph nodes.

Ultrasound imaging is used effectively to verify tumors and UFOs near the body surface, such as those in the thyroid, breast, testicles, limbs, as well as some lymph nodes.

Ultrasound imaging is also used effectively for internal organs in the abdomen, pelvis and chest. However, since sound waves are blocked by gases (e.g., in the lungs or intestines) and bones, ultrasound imaging from internal organs requires special skills. People trained to perform ultrasound tests are specifically called sonographers.

Ultrasound is usually used to assess:

Heart: For example, to detect abnormalities in the way the heart pulses, structural distortions such as defective heart valves, abnormal expansion in the heart chambers or wall amplification (ultrasound imaging of the heart is called echocardiography)

Blood vessels: For example, to detect dilated blood vessels and the strait

Bitterness and bile tracts: For example, to detect gravel in bitterness and blockage in bile ducts (see echolocation planning)

Liver, spleen and pancreas: For example, to detect tumors and other disorders (see echocardiogram)

Urinary tract: For example, to distinguish benign cysts from solid mass (which may be cancerous) in the kidneys, or to detect blockages such as gravel or other structural deformities in the kidneys, moles or bladder (see echocardiography)

Female genitalia: For example, to detect tumors and infections in the ovaries, fallopian channels or uterus (see ultrasound (echolocation))

Pregnancy: For example, to assess the growth and creation of the embryo, detect placental abnormalities (such as the misplaced placenta, placenta previa – view echolocation)

Ultrasound can also be used to guide doctors when taking a biopsy sample of tissue. Ultrasound imaging can show the position of the biopsy, as well as the area from which a biopsy is required (such as mass). Thus, doctors can see where the tools are inserted, and they can be directed directly to their target.

ultrasound forms

Ultrasound information can be presented in several ways:

  • One – Dimensional A-mode: Atomic on chart (used to wipe eye)
  • Two-dimensional B-mode: Also in two-dimensional anatomical images (used during pregnancy to evaluate the developing fetus or to evaluate internal organs)
  • M-mode: Continuous display waves to show structures moving (used to assess fetal pulse or to assess heart valve disorders)
  • Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging is the most common.

Doppler ultrasonography

Doppler uses ultrasound changes that occur in the frequency of sound waves when reflected in a moving object (called the Doppler effect). In medical imaging, moving objects are red blood cells in the blood. Thus, Doppler ultrasound can be used to assess:

  • Whether blood flows through blood vessels
  • Flow velocity
  • Which way it flows
  • Doppler uses ultrasound
  • to assess cardiac performance (as part of echocardiogram)
  • To detect blocked blood vessels, especially in leg veins, as in deep veins, when the veins are blocked by a blood clot
  • To detect narrowed arteries, especially carotid arteries in the neck, which carry blood to the brain

Doppler ultrasound spectroscopy

This procedure shows information about blood flow in graphic form. It can be used to assess the amount of dead blood vessels.

This procedure combines spectral ultrasound imaging with two-dimensional ultrasound imaging.

For this test, the color is added to the gray shade of the blood flow image, which is produced by Doppler ultrasound. The color indicates the direction of blood flow; Red can be used to indicate flow towards the converter or the terraformer, and blue to indicate flow away from it. The brightness of the color indicates how fast the blood flows.

Colorful doppler ultrasound can help assess stroke risk, as it helps doctors identify and evaluate the narrowing or blockage of the neck and head arteries. This procedure is useful for assessing people with transverse hypotension or stroke, who have risk factors for atherosclerosis but no symptoms. Color doppler ultrasound imaging is also used to assess blood flow to internal organs and tumors.

Ultrasound defects

Inserting a transformer into the body may cause some irritation. In rare cases, when the transducer is introduced, the tissue is damaged, causing bleeding or infection.

Bones or gases can prevent the passage of ultrasound. Thus, using it to obtain images of certain structures (behind bones or gas) is difficult.

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