how to make quick money in gta 5 online


How to make money at GTA Online

You just started playing GTA Online and you want to learn to win more money? Did you find out you needed more money to buy a fancy car you followed in the game, but you don’t know how to get your spoils up fast? You’ll be happy to know you’re in the right place at the right time.

In the manual you’re about to read, in fact, I will explain how money was raised en GTA Online, using the GTA 5 connection mode (which is available to all major gaming platforms). As a final result, your inheritance will be greatly enriched and you will have learned the most effective way to overcome your friends in this regard and build a true empire. In case you’re wondering, there’s a lot of activities to do this and I’m going to explain which one’s best, even if I’ve just started moving into the Internet world that Rockstar envisioned.

Courage: What are you waiting for, a hacker over there? Do you want to be President of Los Santos? Yes? Read and practice the brief instructions below. I assure you that in a very short time, I tell you that you will have reached your target and bought whatever you want in the GTA. I have nothing else to do but wish you a happy reading and have fun!

How to make money in GTA 5 online at first

GTA Online is full of activities that can make you earn money. Possibilities increase clearly as the player advances in adventure, but from the beginning there is a certain difference between different actions, some of which guarantee more money from others.

My advice is to focus immediately on the resale car. To do this, you just have to take any car (even parked) and move it to one of the centers called Los Santos Customs, which you’ll find on the map.

However, be careful: The condition of the car is very important and on the road you must try to do as few accidents as possible, otherwise the real value of the car will be reduced. Also, some cars may not be resale and unfortunately there’s no way to find out until they reach the resale point. Anyway, I assure you that this way you earn a lot of money immediately, even if the maximum value of an individual device is approximately $13,000.00.

Watch out for the model car too: Obviously, the more luxurious the car is, the more it’s worth. The cars that deserve the most are the following: Peyote Fabidou ($12,940, XNUMX), Albany Buccaneers ($9,875, XNUMX), Lampat GT Felon ($9,500, XNUMX), DeKlas Tornado ($9,040, XNUMX) and Impactors

However, I would advise you not only to focus on these machines, where they are difficult to find, but to bring all the cars you think are beautiful to see at the customs posts in Los Santos. Even basic vehicles can beat you $2,000.00. In addition, from time to time, Simon will send him SMS messages inviting him to search for and bring in certain cars: I advise him to consider it, because it pays well.

To emphasize an important limit: You can sell only one machine for every game day (equivalent to 48 minutes in the real world) as well, the police may not like the fact that you’re a thief, and I urge you to be careful with nearby patrols when you get in the car. In the period when you cannot resell cars, I advise you to devote yourself to Lester’s tasks (look for them where the “L” is on the map), which are easily updated and include a good number of dollars.

But be careful: When you’re at first, it’s very easy to steal more skilled players. That’s why my advice is to deposit money every time it’s done. To do this, use one of the many ATM points on the map or use the mobile file to access the Web and select financial services from the bank’s dedicated section.

How to get money at GTA Online

Once you feel comfortable with GTA Online, you can start thinking about other ways to bring money home. The activities offered by the San Andreas State there are countless, and you will find below a list to help you learn how to make money at GTA On.


Missions are undoubtedly the most common way to win, being designed to be both affordable and particularly profitable. They’re hundreds and I assure you that when you have a hard time getting help from one or more friends, you will soon reach an average profit of about $10,000.00 on a mission, which is not bad! He thinks you can also win more than $100,000.00 in a one-hour game session. If you can’t complete tasks that hard, you can always track your steps.

The following are some of the tasks to be taken into account as you move forward on adventure: Spring/spring pressure shock (provided by Gerald, opened at 6 level, finished in minutes, paid up to $ 15,000, even 4 players) Simeon Yetarian, level 12, pays over $18,000.00, even players) (Martin Madrazo, level 75, pays $20,000.00, even 4 players) It’s an unwanted denial/talk process (Martin Madrazo, level 81, pays $15,000.00 in minutes, even 6 players).

Many users think these are the best time/profit tasks, so I’d advise you not to underestimate them. Also, all the tasks mentioned can be played in a multi-player game, so you can get help from your friends. I want to emphasize the fact that the data presented indicate that GTA Online is constantly updated and may therefore differ.

To find a mission, you just open the map and look for the first personal message you want to cooperate with (for example, “L” for Lester), go to that place and follow the signals. Instead, you can go to the Tachter Settings font card and then press activities, quick game y never task.


Another common way to make money at GTA Online is to join racing. The number obtained, in this case, changes according to the number of participants and the position in which the race ends. Anyway, I assure you you can make a lot of money.

There are different types of races and of course there are many vehicles available: Cars, planes, motorcycles, etc. Diversity, in that sense, is great and it can also happen to you to race multiple cars, where you start with a bike and you get to the finish line by plane. Don’t underestimate the fact that you’re gonna get paid anyway, even if you don’t get to the finish line on time.

To find a job, all you have to do is open the MAPA and find the flag code. After that, press him and move to this place. Finally, pass the mouse cursor over the racing circuit and press the button that appears on the screen to start it. Or instead, go to settings and set straight the font, activities, quick game y career start.

It’s one of the most profitable activities in GTA Online, but at the same time it can expose you to significant risks. Actually, the robbery attracts the police and their men. A suspicious level (a few ESTRELAS that appear in the upper right corner) can cause more than a few headaches.

For this reason, I recommend that you continue to steal only during the advanced stage of the game, or do just one at a time. In fact, one of the most commonly used methods by more experienced players is to carry out two or three robberies in a row, to win good spoils. However, in this case the level of suspicion increases significantly. Bottom line: I recommend that you do so only when your personality is at advanced levels (over 50).

I remind you, there are 20 robberies on the game map. To speed up the groceries and deliver the spoils as quickly as possible, you can shoot the shelves (without killing anyone, please! Or talking through the microphone from the headphones. My advice is to take advantage of the first solution, because the second solution sometimes doesn’t work as it should.

To find a store, just open the MAPA, scroll through the list of activities on the right and select the shopping item. After that, click on one of the icons that appears on the screen and go to that place. Finally, enter the store, identify any weapon from the running wheel and point it at the grocery store.

The dealer will start pulling money from the ATM (usually a few seconds) and handing it over to you. Once you get the spoils, escape as quickly as possible, plant the police and you can keep the spoils without consequences (regardless of morality, but we always talk about GTA!).

LTS (Final Team Status)

All players who pursue the money must experience the situation at least once the last team stands. This situation can guarantee a fairly large plunder, and by being an expert, you can make a lot of money quickly. The problem here consists of other players, who certainly won’t miss the opportunity to try to steal your prize.

LTS (Long Stand Standing) proves that two teams of players (up to 16 participants) competed in various activities in an effort to make a lot of money. Every round won can be worth almost. $5,000.00 while a lost person can still earn about $ 3,000.

All of this depends on the type of LTS you’re involved in. Anyway, I assure you that you will not regret the experience of this situation. My advice, in this case, is to buy the updates the game offers you (if any, y. a super – heavy jacket) on the game’s prep screen to take full advantage of available guards and monitor a small map located at the bottom of the left, where the location of the enemies can be reported.

To join another permanent team, go to Settings and select the card font. After that, click on top of the element activities set a quick game and then press the start of the last team stand. Perfect. Now it’s gonna start and you can play with other users.


The survival situation is highly appreciated by players who like to fight a mob of enemies, trying to make the most of it. Obviously, the difficulty increases with each new wave, with the former seeing enemies equipped only with guns, the latter seeing them equipped with machine guns, etc.

Although it’s a fun activity to play solo too, my advice is to play with your friends, if you want to get a lot of booty. The same situation is good. Look at the map where the collision occurs at the end of each wave. In fact, those few seconds of calm can help you find a good cover to recharge energy when your personality is hit.

If you can complete 10 waves, you get a prize of $30,000.00. Be careful though: The survival status will only be opened at number 15, so I recommend you take a look at the chapter on how to make money at GTA 5 Online in the first place if this requirement is not met.

To play survival mode, you must have completed the educational program that invited you to be Ron’s character when you reach level 15. Don’t worry if you don’t accept: Just look for the letter “R” on the map and move to this place to get to the mission.

Other activities to make money.

GTA Online has a variety of options and I assure you you won’t let go of anything you do. Every minute you get a proposal for a new activity on your mobile in the game or an event starts. This may already be a good way to replace loudspeakers, but the secondary activities you’d like to use to make as much money as possible are next.

Stealing from passers – by. But first I advise you to look carefully at your victim before you hit her: It’s usually possible to identify people who already have a lot of money to dress up. Obviously one of the best places to walk in front of an ATM. It almost goes without saying that after the unfortunate (but fruitful, for the purpose of the game) nod, you should be careful not to be caught by the police.

Shots. These activities require a previous preparatory task, and are therefore in fact too long to complete. In addition, the player must own a luxury apartment to access. However, booty can go as far as 2,000.00 dollars and that’s why it’s worth it.

Sizes. In some cases, the player may have been so misbehaved that he was rewarded. You just have to find him to collect the spoils.

These are the ways I recommend making money quickly at GTA Online. However, I’ve only touched the number of activities you can do to renew your account in the game and therefore invite you to meet the mix of activities that you enjoy more and at the same time make you earn enough. For more information, I recommend you review my education program on how to play GTA Online.

How to get countless funds into GTA Online

There are clearly ways to win countless money at GTA Online. However, I recommend not to use it, as I assure you that pleasure will be lost and can destroy the experience of playing for others. In addition, GTA developers can also decide (in extreme cases) to ban your account, so you may lose all the progress you’ve made and you may not be able to play.

I invite you, therefore, to doubt those who promise simple methods of making endless money, where you can go for unpleasant surprises. I assure you that playing GTA Online is fun, even without tricks, and that by following the guidance I explained in the chapters on how to win GTA 5 Online at the beginning and how to get money at GTA Online, you will be able to build good capital in a short time. Have fun!

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